Bones Buried Deep by Kathy Reichs

Bones Buried Deep by Kathy Reichs

Author:Kathy Reichs [Reichs, Kathy]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00


TEMPERANCE BRENNAN, ARMS FOLDED, CHIN high, the picture of a professional woman, was trembling.

As she stood outside the nondescript house — policemen, crime scene analysts, and EMTs hustling in and out — she had finally succumbed to fear… or at least an unsettled sense that she could not shake.

She hadn’t lied to Booth: she really hadn’t been scared in that kitchen, all her focus had been on Jorgensen and that knife.

But when Booth’s bullet whizzed past her and struck Jorgensen, the knife heading in her direction, her grip on her self-control had vanished.

Flimsy thing, control.

One second you had it, next you didn’t. Oneminute you’re at the Jeffersonian studying an arrowhead in the chest of an eight-hundred-year-old Native American, next you’re in Algonquin, Illinois, stanching the wound of a seventy-year-old probable serial killer.

Nice thing about the lab, she had control — she was in charge.

Things occasionally went differently than expected, but the lab was strictly science, and the unexpected was part of that too.

Not that there wasn’t pressure at the Jeffersonian — a bone broke in the lab, it was generally hundreds if not thousands of years old… in a world where value was determined by whether bones were whole or not. But when things went wrong there, no bullets flew, no knives hurtled in your direction.

More Chicago cops were arriving, and the FBI had a large contingent on hand as well; the neighbors, few that there were, had turned out to watch. SAC Dillon was off to one side, giving Booth the third degree about the shooting, while Lieutenant Greene was being treated by EMTs in the yard.

An ambulance had already carted Jorgensen away to a hospital. The wound was not life-threatening, but the bullet would have to be removed, and the old boy needed to be stitched up.

Jorgensen would remain under police watch, and — at the very least — charged with attempted murder for shooting Lieutenant Greene and attempted assault on Brennan. If the Chicago and FBI CSIs found evidence of more crimes in the house, that list could grow.

Brennan — with no one yet questioning her, treating her, or for that matter bothering to ask if she was okay — stood off to one side, alone.

Which was fine; she figured now would be a good time to keep a low profile, and stay out of the way.

This plan seemed to be working nicely until her cell phone rang.

When she reached for it on her belt, the cell got caught and kept ringing. Heads slowly turned her way. She finally got the thing loose and punched the button.

“Brennan,” she said.

“Hi, sweetie,” came Angela’s cheerful voice.

Turning her back on Dillon, Booth, and the others, Brennan filled Angela in on everything that had happened since they last spoke.

“Oh my God,” Angela said. “Are you all right?”

“Yes,” Brennan said.

It was only a small lie.

“I’m not talking just physically, honey, but mentally — emotionally. You must be—”

“I appreciate your concern, Ange, but where are you with the first skeleton?”

“…Trying to identify the different components, but frankly, it’s slow going.


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